Published Stuff
Site will contain some of our books that are for sale and some that are free.
The cost $ of the books will vary and be determined daily, based on the financial needs of the author. (Cheap when flush - expensive when broke) Four books on Amazon
See the list of hundreds of my diverse inventions that are free and awaiting production. Your fortune awaits.
Think and surprise your mind section of this site will offer
over 1,600 mostly original bits of pithy ponderings garnered over many many moons of attendance here on earth.
About Us
This will tell my guiding philosophy for going through life based on the book "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth".
This section also includes over 75 of the many jobs I've had in my quest to determine what I want to be when I grow up.
Mythical Meanderings
Some free stuff that was fun to write. A collection of very short stories that may have a small element of truth hidden in the midst of a bunch of fallacious facts. Just ask and you will receive.